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Dispute Resolution

The Fire Tells the Story [Marywilska 44]

Wpis o tym, jak łatwo się pomylić, jak zawodne możemy mieć procedury, i jak tragiczne mogą w skutkach być pomyłki w toku postępowań sądowych. To też dobry punkt wyjściowy do rozmowy o tym, jakimi danymi mogą być uczone algorytmy.

Emergency Arbitral Proceedings as a New Global Standard in Arbitration Rules: Is There Still a Need to Mantain the Concurrent Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals and Courts for Interim Measures? – ARIA – VOL. 33, No. 3.

Parties to a commercial contract choose arbitration to exclude courts’ jurisdiction over a potential dispute. Yet, despite the arbitration agreement, the courts' jurisdiction is preserved in terms of interim measures. Depending on which forum it perceives to be more beneficial, a party may apply to courts of law or arbitral…

US – Origin Marking (Hong Kong, China) – case note

The panel report in US –  Marking Requirement (Hong Kong, China) is the next report, which concerns two highly controversial issues regarding the defence based on Article XXI (b)(iii) of the GATT 1994, being its self-judging nature and the designates of the phrase "emergency in international relations".