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Nie podrzucaj dziecka! [Seria wpisów o AI]

Jakość danych, na których trenowane są algorytmy jest kluczowa z punktu widzenia generowanych przez system wyników. Jak trudne może być odróżnienie dobrej jakości danych treningowych od złej jakości danych pokazuje historia serii niesłusznych skazań za tzw. syndrom SBS

The Fire Tells the Story [Marywilska 44]

Wpis o tym, jak łatwo się pomylić, jak zawodne możemy mieć procedury, i jak tragiczne mogą w skutkach być pomyłki w toku postępowań sądowych. To też dobry punkt wyjściowy do rozmowy o tym, jakimi danymi mogą być uczone algorytmy.

Should Australia and Singapore have the civil penalties and/or other regulatory sanctions for failures to meet consumer guarantees and for the use of unfair contract terms in consumer contracts? Reflective essay.

Recent data on failures to meet consumer guarantees and the use of UCT in consumer contracts in Australia suggest that the system does not work efficiently. Since this may also be a problem in Singapore I assess in this essay whether Australia and Singapore should change the law and adopt…

Emergency Arbitral Proceedings as a New Global Standard in Arbitration Rules: Is There Still a Need to Mantain the Concurrent Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals and Courts for Interim Measures? – ARIA – VOL. 33, No. 3.

Parties to a commercial contract choose arbitration to exclude courts’ jurisdiction over a potential dispute. Yet, despite the arbitration agreement, the courts' jurisdiction is preserved in terms of interim measures. Depending on which forum it perceives to be more beneficial, a party may apply to courts of law or arbitral…

US – Origin Marking (Hong Kong, China) – case note

The panel report in US –  Marking Requirement (Hong Kong, China) is the next report, which concerns two highly controversial issues regarding the defence based on Article XXI (b)(iii) of the GATT 1994, being its self-judging nature and the designates of the phrase "emergency in international relations".